Posted on 29March2022
Springtime is finally here, and it is time to prep your vehicle for the warmer months to come. Winter probably took a toll on your car, SUV, or truck, and now is the time to recover from it. So, what kind of vehicle maintenance is best for the spring? Test Your Battery A pre-spring never hurt nobody. This will ensure your battery is fit to hold a lasting charge. Also, it is an open opportunity to check for and clean off corrosion around your battery terminals. Check Tire Tread Ensuri ... read more
Posted on 28February2022
The muffler is a vital part of your vehicle's exhaust system. It is in charge of dampening the exhaust sounds so that you can drive quietly and peacefully. It usually doesn't require service until an issue occurs with the muffler. Below are the top 4 signs that indicate you need a muffler replacement: Loud sounds Drop in miles per gallon (MPG) Lit check engine light Smelly exhaust fumes Excess exhaust gases What Does It Sound Like When Your Muffler Has Problems? The sounds that you ... read more
Posted on 16February2022
Greetings! Elite is open regular hours (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) on President's Day, Monday, February 21st, 2022! Thank you for your continued business. We look forward to seeing you soon and servicing your vehicle. ~ The Elite Team
Posted on 31January2022
When it comes to your vehicle, the transmission is one of its most important systems. It ensures that power is transferred from the engine to the wheels so that your car actually moves. The transmission is essentially a gearbox that is constantly in motion, which is why it is one of the systems that is most susceptible to wear and tear over time. No car driver wants to deal with transmission issues, however, they can arise if you have an older vehicle or a car that isn't properly maintained ... read more
Posted on 23December2021
A bumpy ride is uncomfortable and wears out the vehicle prematurely. An unstable car on the road is also a hazard to you, your passengers, and other road users. When your vehicle's ride is bumpy and unstable, you can't drive well over uneven or rough terrain. An unstable ride causes the car to lose traction during acceleration and deceleration, even on a flat surface. Diagnosing the issue is crucial for safety and ensures that the vehicle stays in good working order. This article will e ... read more
Posted on 23November2021
When it comes to your fuel, most drivers want to keep this expense as low as possible. It's something that we all regularly keep track of, so if your car is guzzling up more gasoline than usual, you're going to notice it right away. If you aren't getting the gas mileage you desire, there are different factors you should consider. It may be an internal problem, tires, or simply poor driving habits. Here are some possible explanations for your lower than usual gas mileage: Tire Pressu ... read more
Posted on 13October2021
Brakes for Breasts - Together we can put the brakes on breast cancer!!!! FREE Brakes or shoes at Elite for the month of October and 10% of parts and labor will be donated to the Cleveland Breast Cancer Research Fund. Clients pay for any other necessary parts and labor for brake job. Call today 736-8942 or make an appointment on line at
Posted on 28July2021
We had a great time learning this past weekend! Elite flew Justin Morgan, a Pico Trainer in from South Carolina to train us on Pico Scopes. A Pico Scope is a heart monitor to monitor the sophisticated systems that are in the cars of today. Cars today have 60-75 computers on board. It takes special equipment, training, a skilled type of person to properly diagnose these systems. When we can properly diagnose your car faster, more accurately, and more efficiently, the client wins ... read more
Posted on 7April2021
Elite Auto Repair is celebrating 23 years in business! Warwick, RI. Elite Auto is celebrating 23 years in business! We would like to thank our wonderful clients that continue to support us and trust us to fix their cars. Also, a big thank you to our entire Elite Team for your continued hard work and dedication fixing cars and making our clients smile!  
Posted on 23March2021
We love to see and mentor young technicians that apply themselves and want to change the industry! These young men and women are our future. We need more young men or women to inspire, build up, and develop into Master Technicians into being the best versions of themselves! Today we salute Ian to be just that. this kid works harder than most I know, his passion for cars is only beat by his ability to work on them! Congratulations Ian! you are on your way to be a master technician and we will tra ... read more